Madhusudan Ekambaram, Cofounder and CEO, KreditBee
Image: Hemant Mishra for Forbes
It was crazy,” recalls Madhusudan Ekambaram. No marks for guessing. The ‘crazy’ year was 2021, and it seemed the startup world was busy churning out a blockbuster sequel of Alice in Wonderland. Dollars started flowing freely from the tap, a rarest of rare mythical animal—unicorn—suddenly multiplied and fluttered majestically in all its glory, and venture capitalists turned into King Midas—whoever they touched turned into gold. And the founders—even those with meagre revenue, questionable business models and dubious corporate governance—got a makeover with a heavy glitter of valuation. Entrepreneurs immersed themselves in scripting a fairytale of chasing crazy growth at all costs, raising money became the most glamorous and rewarding act, and valuations were generously pegged on multiples of revenue. The real world turned surreal.
(This story appears in the 12 January, 2024 issue of Forbes India. To visit our Archives, click here.)